My programs are staying on track (for now) even as there are those that feel confident in their opinion that we are going to fast or moving in the wrong direction. I believe the “why” of how everything is moving forward comes in a few simple steps:
- I never stop walking the floors. I answer emails and voicemail in person as often as it is reasonable rather than responding remotely. Talking face to face almost always concludes a discussion.
- I am a professional at being insecure. That means I constantly check in with the people around me and LISTEN to what they are saying. I am always ready to turn a comment into an action item.
- I believe in the passion of my partners. Whether for or against the changes taking place I know every voice has reason and belief behind their opinion.
- I share anything anytime. The enemy of change is not enough information.
- I believe in my choices. That is not a statement of ego but a place of conviction. Too many people do not give their own opinions as much value as they give to the opinions of others.
- I get it that all of this is not life or death. It’s just marketing. Words and messages that may help people make more money, accomplish career goals, live in better houses, feel better about themselves, or gain a higher reputation.
Technorati Tags: Legal Marketing, Professional Services Marketing, Marketing, Business Development, Sales