Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fast Start -- How to Help Your Slow Starters

Not every volunteer in a Fast Start group is ready to take off at blazing speeds. Some lawyers are junior in their own practice and complete rookies at business development. Some lawyers may have been heads down for so long they've lost most of their connections outside of personal clients, or maybe they have only worked with the clients of other lawyers. In most cases these lawyers will have few, if any, obvious connections outside the firm. Here is what the facilitator can do to help ramp it up.
  • I target specific lawyers to accompany me to external meetings with professionals in my business network. It could be an event committee meeting, a catch-up lunch, etc. At the meeting I make certain to talk about the lawyer I am with, make introductions, and then encourage the lawyer to schedule their own one-on-one meeting where appropriate.
  • I help the lawyers target specific business associations and events for them to attend. If needed I will accompany them on their excursions. After an outing we will discuss individuals met and target someone for a follow-up one-to-one.
  • Encourage your more active rainmakers to include an additional lawyer in their business development activities. They do not need to swing them any business, just give them a chance to be out there and find some of their own.
  • Revue their Outlook contacts (friends, business contacts, service providers) and discuss any potential opportunities for networking they might have overlooked.
To turn the corner on a potential "slow start" remember that the best help you can offer is to help them create relationships.

Next: Meeting Number 3 and Beyond

Graphic Artists are Crazy

I might know. I am one. But, not like, "Wooo Hooooo, la la la la la, put me in a rubber room!!" Go online and look at any portfo...