Thursday, October 20, 2005

Client Survey Wisdom from the Experts

“Greater customer satisfaction correlates directly to greater employee satisfaction.” So says Deana Kartel, a VP at JAMS. She was one of three outstanding panelists I moderated this morning at a meeting of the LA Chapter of the Legal Marketing Association. Joining her were Merry Neitlich, Partner, Extreme Marketing and Victoria Spang, Chief Marketing Officer, Sheppard Mullin.

The key takeaways from these experts this morning were:
  • Clients like knowing that their law firm cares. Merry gave examples of executives, that during an interview, made it a point to say that they were incredibly pleased that a law firm had a formal process to look after client relationships.
  • Client satisfaction programs can start with only a few partners participating. The results will build the momentum needed to engage larger numbers.
  • Understanding what your clients want does not happen naturally as a product of working with them regularly. They need a separate forum to reveal the inner workings of the business relationship.
  • The partner with the primary relationship is not always the right person to conduct the client satisfaction survey. Using a third party takes the burden of bad news off the shoulder of the client.
  • Written surveys are typically answered by clients that are positive about the relationship. The best answers come face-to-face.
  • Always follow up with the client after an interview. Let them know that you are taking action if action is required. ALWAYS!

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