Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Better Way to Get Your Professional Story Online

You might notice that I have added two link buttons to the right column of this blog. One links to my profile on a popular service we are all familiar with, Linkedin. The other you might not know about yet, VisualCV (or maybe I am just that far behind the eight-ball).

I heard about it a few days ago in passing conversation, made a mental note and then visited the site a few hours later. As you can tell if you click through on the link I have already put up quite a bit of information.

The service is in Beta and it's free (enter venture capitalist asking, "How are you going to monetize this?").

Here is my take on what they offer:

VisualCV is a place to park your professional whom-you-are statement. While the tool is initially designed as a complete multimedia platform for putting your capabilities in front of employers, I think it can be so much more. Take my situation for instance -- as a consultant to law and accounting firms I want viewers to not only see my professional qualifications to do what I do, I'd also like readers to find out more about the broad range of marketing stuff I can accomplish outside of regular employment.

VisualCV feels like a solid, credible step I can take to increase my SEO, offers a robust multimedia platform, and I don't have to create my own website or solution. No matter where I socialize on the Internet I can point at one place that is all about me -- a bookmark to my story.

I encourage you to check it out. This one feels like it has legs.

Graphic Artists are Crazy

I might know. I am one. But, not like, "Wooo Hooooo, la la la la la, put me in a rubber room!!" Go online and look at any portfo...